In other Wild Cards news, there’s a new post on the Wild Cards World blog, this one by Michael Cassutt: “Word-building in Wild Cards” (yes, you read that correctly.) I’ve talked about writing for Wild Cards before (most extensively in this post from a while back), but one thing I only touched on in that…
Author: Marko Kloos
“How To Move Spheres And Influence People,” a new Wild Cards novelette
My Wild Cards novelette “How To Move Spheres And Influence People” is up at today. It’s free to read, like all the stuff at, so if you are inclined, I welcome you to check it out and let me know what you think. “Spheres” kind of muscled its way into my writing schedule…
Online sources for the LD+R stories
Andrew Liptak at The Verge has a handy post up that lists the online sources for most of the short stories serving as material for Love Death+Robots. In related news, I’ll never get tired of seeing Samira Wiley as Lt. Colby, the pilot of Lucky 13 in the Netflix version. Yes, the original character in…
Writing with
I’ve been a long-time Scrivener user for over a decade, but for the last year or so, I’ve been migrating my work to Ulysses more and more, and right now I think I am at the point where I’ll be using it exclusively. Ulysses is a writing app like Scrivener, and it has much…
Where to find “Shape-Shifters” and “Lucky 13”
I’ve had more than a few people asking where they can read the two stories of mine that were used for the (amazingly done) episodes in Tim Miller and David Fincher’s “Love Death + Robots” on Netflix. Episode 10 of Love Death + Robots, “Shape-shifters”, is based on my short story “On the Use of…
Love, Death & Robots
The first season of Love, Death & Robots, the new animated anthology put together by Tim Miller and David Fincher, kicked off on Netflix today. Two of the episodic shorts in that project are based on stories I wrote. The first is an adaptation of the Frontlines short story “Lucky Thirteen”. It stars…
Howling at the moon
Ten days to go. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Love Death + Robots (@lovedeathandrobots)
Do you feel lucky?
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Love Death + Robots (@lovedeathandrobots) Soon.
Knaves Over Queens review at Locus
Paula Guran at Locus Magazine reviewed KNAVES OVER QUEENS, our first UK-centered Wild Cards mosaic novel, and had some nice things to say about it. KNAVES OVER QUEENS came out in the UK last year already, and it will be available in the US in August of this year. (That’s due to some release date…
News from Poland
I got word that CHAINS OF COMMAND is nominated for the 2018 Best Book Award in Poland. From what I know, that’s the Polish equivalent of the Goodreads Awards and the largest book award in Poland, so that’s pretty cool. I’m feeling very warmly about Poland. My Polish publisher was the first foreign house to…