I made it for over a week after Scotland and all the attendant travel, but it looks like the Worldcon COVID wave has finally caught up with me. (My wife tested positive on the weekend and has been mildly sick ever since, so I knew it would only be a matter of time.) The weird…
Author: Marko Kloos
The future of The Palladium Wars
I guess I ought to share the news I mentioned regarding the Palladium Wars. Unfortunately, it’s not all sunshine and roses. 47North has decided not to continue the series. I don’t know the reasoning behind the decision because they did not share it with me, and it doesn’t matter in the end whether it was…
CORVUS draft and Worldcon after-action report
As you can tell from the progress bar in the sidebar to the right, I have finished the first draft of CORVUS, the second installment in the Frontlines: Evolution series. It’s with the editor now, and I’ll see it again in a few weeks to begin the developmental edits, but for now it’s off my…
Klohund training
This is the tip bowl we keep on our bathroom counter. Who needs a tip bowl in the bathroom, you may wonder, and why is it filled with cereal? Well, imagine you have a dachshund who is scared of the shower, and getting her bathed is always a stressful endeavor for both parties. One day,…
DESCENT is out today!
Today is the release day for DESCENT, the fourth installment of the Palladium Wars! If you already preordered it, you should either have the paperback in your mailbox, or the ebook magically appeared on your Kindle this morning. For those who haven’t preordered, it’s available in paperback, Kindle, and Audible formats. (No hardcover this…
DESCENT giveaway winners
The random number gods have spoken and passed down ten numbers, which I matched up with the comments in order from first to last. There were 193 eligible comments in total, so your chance to win was a little lower than one in twenty. The winners are: Victor Weffer Fred Adrian O’Neill Phil Fab Andrew…
DESCENT giveaway is now closed
I hope you all got your comments in because the DESCENT giveaway is now closed to new entries. I will pick ten winners with the help of the RNG gods and announce them at some point tomorrow. As always, I’ll ship the books to the winners anywhere in the world free of charge. Hope you’re…
DESCENT giveaway starts right meow
Here they are–ten paperback copies of DESCENT, fourth book in the Palladium Wars series, ready to be signed and shipped to new owners. YOU TOO could be one of the lucky winners! Just leave a comment on this post indicating the desire to own a signed copy, and you will be entered in the…
DESCENT paperbacks have arrived
Author copies for DESCENT, the fourth book in the Palladium Wars series, have arrived at the Castle. If you’re at all familiar with how things go around here, you know that this means another giveaway is imminent. I’ll start the traditional pre-release contest this weekend and run it for a week as always. (Don’t put…
Cyanocitta cristata
A blue jay having a quick and easy breakfast at the local fly-thru. Fun fact about blue jays: they’re not really blue. Their feathers are black. We see them as blue because of the way the structure of the feathers scatters light. It’s known as Tyndall scattering.