I plugged the number of comments into a random number picker, which has determined that Bryan Porter is the winner of the Knaves Over Queens hardcover. Congratulations, Bryan! Please email me at frontlines@markokloos.com to let me know where to send it, and whether you want it now or (with more signatures) after Worldcon. Thanks for…
Author: Marko Kloos
Knaves Over Queens contest
I am currently sweating in my office in 90-degree weather, which apparently will last all through next week, and working on a new Frontlines novella while I wait for my edit notes for the PALLADIUM WARS novel. I recently received the contributor copies for the UK/AU versions of LOW CHICAGO and KNAVES OVER QUEENS. One…
At work again (and some pen & paper neepery)
Break’s over, and while I am waiting for the edit notes for the first PALLADIUM WARS novel, I am busy working on several different projects, one of which is a new Frontlines novella that I hope to have finished by the end of the month. Then there’s more Wild Cards stuff, and it looks like…
Low Chicago is out! Tigers with Tommy guns!
Today is release day for LOW CHICAGO, the twenty-fifth Wild Cards volume, which means today is my second book release day of 2018 because I have a novella in that book. The novella is called “Stripes” and features my joker-ace Khan (the half-tiger dude on the cover). He’s shunted back in time to 1920s Chicago…
The current state of affairs
The novel is finally done and turned in, thank the old gods and the new. It has a provisional title that may change before release, but whatever it will be called, it’s going to be the first book in a series called THE PALLADIUM WARS. This one is a different style than Frontlines: third-person past…
Low Chicago
Today, Tor.com is featuring a long excerpt from LOW CHICAGO, the Wild Cards novel out in June. The stripey fellow on the featured image is my Wild Cards joker-ace Khan, and he appears in the excerpt (which is the interstitial for the novel, written by John Joseph Miller.) It’s time-travel story, so you can probably…
Update from the word mines
I haven’t posted anything lately because I am still at work finishing the current novel. It still has a provisional title, but the series it kicks off has a name now: THE PALLADIUM WARS. (It’s military SF, but the scope is a little wider than Frontlines because it’s written from multiple points of view, so…
The Münster incident
There was a vehicle-based attack in Germany today. It happened in the city of Münster, which is where I spent much of my childhood. I went to kindergarten and elementary school there, and my family still lives in the surrounding area, so they are in the city a lot. You want to know a Xanax…
Texas Hold ‘Em
TEXAS HOLD ‘EM, the third book in the Wild Cards “American Triad” has a cover and a release date: 10/23/18. I don’t have a story in that one, but it features work by fellow Wild Cards writers David Anthony Durham, Max Gladstone, Victor Milan, Diana Rowland, Walton Simons, Caroline Spector, and William F. Wu. The three…
Knaves Over Queens
So there’s this new Wild Cards novel called KNAVES OVER QUEENS, and it has a cover and a release date for the UK edition: It’ll be out on June 28 from Harper Collins Voyager UK, and it’s the first time a Wild Cards novel sees publication in the UK before the US. There’ll be a…