Everybody is slagging on 2016 in social media, myself included. But the truth is that while 2016 was a dumpster fire of a year when it came to politics and celebrity deaths, it wasn’t a bad year at all for me personally or professionally. On the work front, I wrote a novel (FIELDS OF FIRE,…
Author: Marko Kloos
wild cards world.
Speaking of WILD CARDS–if you’re at all interested in this shared-universe series, you should check out the new Wild Cards World, which has information on all the characters, writers, and books of the Wild Cards universe. I feel incredibly privileged to be a part of this project. There are a lot of awesome writers in…
low chicago.
George R.R.Martin announced on his Not A Blog that LOW CHICAGO, the 25th Wild Cards volume, has been sent off to the publisher, Tor. As I may have mentioned, oh, a hundred times or so, I have a novella in that volume. It’s called “Stripes”, and it features my character Khan, who is a very…
what I done wrote in 2016.
Since all the Kool Kidz(tm) are doing it, I guess I will have to list my finished projects for 2016 as well. It’s a short list, so don’t get up and make tea. I wrote FIELDS OF FIRE, the fifth novel in the Frontlines series, and a novella for a future book in the Wild…
deployed military personnel, LISTEN UP!
Hey, you! Are you a reader of the Frontlines series? Are you serving in the United States Armed Forces? Are you currently deployed overseas? If you can answer all three of those questions in the affirmative, SOUND OFF and send me an email to frontlines@markokloos.com. If you can send me a few words about you (keeping…
fields of fire ARC contest.
So there’s this thing called an ARC (Advance Reader Copy), which is an uncorrected bound proof copy of a novel meant for reviewers and other folks who may want to get their hands on a book before its release date. I got ARCs for CHAINS OF COMMAND, and my publisher tells me that we’re doing…
NACDC flags, now in real life.
Here’s the first batch of flag patches made up by the NAC Defense Corps fan group for cosplay. The designer, Marc Gerst, came up with a super-clean flag design: two colors, and appropriate simple heraldry for the national NAC flag and the different branches of the NACDC. Clockwise from top left, they are: NAC national flag,…
back from honorcon, and some award braggery.
I just got back from Honorcon yesterday, where a lovely surprise was waiting for me during the awards ceremony for the inaugural Rampant Manticore awards. Not only did I get the Best Military SF Novel award (for ANGLES OF ATTACK), but I also managed to win the H. Beam Piper Memorial Award. These are doubly…
cover reveal for fields of fire.
Frontlines #5, FIELDS OF FIRE, now has a cover. Want to see? SURE YOU DO. Pretty cool, eh? It’s the most explodey cover yet, which is cool because it also has the most explosions of any Frontlines book so far. FIELDS OF FIRE will be out on February 28, by the way. Tell your friends,…
what i’ll be doing with the rest of 2016.
I just returned from the Viable Paradise writing workshop’s 20-year reunion on Martha’s Vineyard. It was nice to catch up with old friends and meet VPers from other years, and the weather was ideal for some extended sightseeing drives around the Vineyard. Of course, I didn’t get too much writing done between all the socializing…