“Assault rifles are only good for killing a lot of people rapidly, and we don’t want anyone in our state to be able to own one…but please keep making them here because we love the tax revenue from selling those death machines.” –Connecticut’s Gov. Malloy (paraphrased)
Author: Marko
in new hampshire, even our playgrounds are harsh.
Girl Child punchi-sized her face on the school playground yesterday by running around WITH HER EYES CLOSED WHILE MEOWING. Now her upper lip is about the size of a Jeep Wrangler tire, and she doesn’t want to eat solid foods. Good thing she had a dentist appointment this morning anyway. I know it’s totally un-American…
an announcement.
As of today, I have a literary agent. I’ve signed with Evan Gregory of Ethan Ellenberg, who will represent my works from now on. Together, we will make ALL THE MONEY. I’ve been looking for a literary agent for a few years now (ever since Viable Paradise XII in 2008, in fact), and Ethan Ellenberg…
demonstrably wrong, laughably ignorant, and deliberately deceptive.
(Note: This post is largely directed at my liberal and progressive friends. Yes, I have those, just like I have Libertarian and conservative friends. If your entire social circle shares one political viewpoint, you don’t live in the real world, you live in an echo chamber. Conservative friends: please refrain from “LIBRULS ARE TEH STOOPID!!!1!!ONE!!…
not just another teen movie.
There’s a new trailer for the Carrie remake, and it looks pretty good. It seems that the remake is playing it even darker than the original, which wasn’t exactly a sunny rom-com to begin with. Also, Chloe Moretz (a.k.a. Hit-Girl from Kick-Ass) has turned into a really impressive actress. I loved the hell out of…
for all you NOOK owners.
Terms of Enlistment is finally live at Barnes and Noble’s NOOK store: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/terms-of-enlistment-marko-kloos/1114972237?ean=2940044383906 Still on iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/terms-of-enlistment/id623287864?mt=11 Kobo: http://www.kobobooks.com/ebook/Terms-of-Enlistment/book-i9WbLhEqIEK-epHc8gKQmw/page1.html Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/296336 And of course Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Terms-of-Enlistment-ebook/dp/B00BUQWVDC/ref=zg_bsnr_6157856011_1 You can also get it from me directly by clicking the PayPal link on my sidebar. I will mention that I send those direct PayPal copies out via email…
brief update from the desk of yr obdnt srvnt.
Chuck Wendig, Jedi Master of Writing Advice, gave me and Terms of Enlistment a shout-out in his latest blog post about self-publishing. Chuck has gone the self-publishing route, but he’s also traditionally published, so he knows both sides of the coin pretty well. Steven Gould, author of the Jumper series of SF novels and one…
so i was wrong about the self-publishing thing.
I had this long and very clever blog post witten in which present-day Marko rebuts the arguments of 2011 Marko in opposition of self-publishing, but it came across all braggy and smarmy, so I deleted the draft and decided to start over. Yes, two years ago I wrote a lengthy blog post detailing why I’d…
a tale of a rejection, and the straw that made the cup run over, or something.
Somewhere out there is a literary agent (who shall remain unnamed here) who asked for science fiction submissions on Twitter the Friday before last. I was in bed at the time, reading my Twitter feed on the iPad (as one does), so I got out of bed again to send that agent a query letter…
the current novel schedule.
Here’s a quick rundown on the writing schedule for the next year or three, since so many people have been asking about the sequel/s lately. The second novel, Lines of Departure, will be out in May. It’s told from Andrew’s perspective, just like the first one, and takes place five years after Terms of Enlistment….