There’s an Angles of Attack giveaway at Goodreads right now. If you’d like to put in your name for a free copy, you should head on over there and do the thing with the click and the stuff. The giveaway runs until April 21st, which is the official release day of Angles of Attack:…
Author: Marko
I know it’s kind of gauche to bitch about the winter in New England when one chose to move and live here voluntarily lo these many years ago, but this winter is bitchworthy without further qualification. We have never had as much snow as we’ve had this year, not even close. It has never been…
vermont tales of adventure!
I’ll be reading at Vemont Tales of Adventure! In White River Junction on February 27th. The event is organized by Geek Mountain State as part of their Vermont Speculative Fiction Writers series. I am not a Vermonter, but we are sitting right on the border, so maybe I’ll be able to pass as one of…
frontlines the fourth.
Great news, people of Earth! Contracts are signed, so I am free to share the news. 1.) There will officially be a fourth Frontlines novel. 2.) It will be called “Chains of Command”.3.) If all goes well, it will be out THIS YEAR, which means you’ll get two new Frontlines novels in 2015. (Angles of…
frontlines UK sale.
If you live in the UK, you may be interested in the current Amazon UK deal, which has forty novels discounted to one of your English pounds of currency. Terms of Enlistment and Lines of Departure are included in that deal, so if you don’t have your own copies yet, here’s a chance to get…
how to story, in sixty seconds.
Yeah, it’s a commercial for a beer, but it’s also a perfect master class in storytelling. Setting, characterization, conflict/motivation, peril, emotional climax, satisfying resolution, denouement. Themes: friendship, loyalty, love. All squeezed into one minute. Not a second is wasted on anything that doesn’t drive the narrative.This is how you do Story.
on the holocaust and self-deception.
The BBC flew a drone over the Auschwitz concentration camp, and the footage is, as you might expect, profoundly haunting. Of all the conspiracy theorists, Holocaust deniers piss me off the most, because they blithely try to minimize or outright eradicate from history the industrialized extermination of eleven million people–men, women, children, infants, the infirm. And…
update from castle bleeearrgh.
Emails regarding the Space Marine naming rights will go out today. I meant to send them yesterday, but the Wandering Pestilence visited Castle Frostbite early yesterday morning. One of the kids started barfing at 4am, and it all went downhill from there. All four of us were laid up with one of those nasty 24-hour…
the “be a space marine” charity tally.
You crazy kids wasted no time claiming the naming rights to the Formerly Anonymous Squad in the Bad-Ass Platoon of Badassitude. We ran over the count a wee bit, but I’ll make some space on the platoon roster because you shouldn’t be penalized for my lack of orderly system when it comes to tallying contest…
want to be a space marine in a frontlines novel?
I am currently writing what will become the fourth Frontlines novel , titled “Chains of Command”. Without giving away any plot details, I can tell you that Chains of Command will feature a group of folks I’m calling “the Bad-Ass Platoon of Bad-Assitude”. I’ve filled the command slots with some recurring characters that you may…