I really dislike people who write guest columns that use someone else’s material, especially when that material came out of my head, not theirs. One Mr. James W. King wrote a guest column for the Albany Herald. I use the loosest possible definition of the word “wrote”, because for his column, Mr. King limited his…
Author: Marko
careful, your mascara is running.
I avoided looking at the display model iPhones on the way in, and averted my gaze from everyone elses iPhones. I wanted to enrich the experience of opening my own iPhone 5, and make it more special than it already would be… You know you’re a pampered, entitled little whiner when you go to buy…
capitalism is bad, except when it’s *my* profit.
There’s a new party in Germany. They call themselves the “Pirate Party”, and they’re a loose conglomerate of people well left of the already pretty left-of-center mainstream Social Democrats: anti-Capitalism, anti-establishment, anti-soap-and-deodorant, the usual coffee house anarchists. One of the platforms of the Pirate Party is that “information should be free.” They advocate unrestricted Internet…
it slices! it dices!
Hey, you! Do you like sharp things? Then boy, do I have a recommendation for you! I found this little number on Amazon a little while back: It’s called a Benchmark “Backpacker”, which is obvious hey-it-kind-of-sounds-and-reads-like-Benchmade Chinese product mimicry. Shameless brand name aside, the little thing is actually really nice. It’s a 2.75” hollow-ground fixed…
I’m no dummy. I went to collige.
Whenever a college fraternity or sorority makes the news, it’s usually not for any great feat of intellect. This one is no different: Sorority vandalizes wrong car in response to hazing complaint. The Greek D is “Delta”. Too bad the Greek alphabet doesn’t have a U or H.
Araucanas are sometimes called “Easter eggers” because they lay pastel blue-green eggs. (Notice the size differences in this batch. They’re still adjusting their dispensing units.) The eggs from our hens taste better than the store-bought ones. The yolks are darker and more flavorful. It’s been a fair amount of work and effort, but it’s nice…
how u spel deficet?
So the Chicago Public Day Care System’s wardens—who, on average, earn $76,000 a year—are striking because the 16% pay increase over four years offered by the city just won’t cut it. Meanwhile, the Chicago school system has a dropout rate that’s close to 50%. But if you question the right of public sector union workers…
late summah.
This is Crystal Lake, just a hop and a skip down the road from Castle Frostbite. “Crystal Lake” seems to be a popular name for lakes around here.
how to react to an armed robbery attempt, textbook solution.
Here’s a video of an attempted armed robbery at an Internet cafe in Florida. Three guys rush in, guns in their hands…and the security guard, seated behind a desk, gets up, draws his gun, and starts firing not three seconds after the bad guys open that front door. http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_c3#/video/bestoftv/2012/08/31/pkg-security-guard-shoots-thieves-internet-cafe.weshpkg-security-guard-shoots-thieves-internet-cafe.wesh This was in the wee hours…
this is why we keep our first aid kits stocked.
We spent much of the day helping some friends move into a new house. The kids helped too, mostly by staying out of the way and doing stuff like this: