Over on his blog, John Scalzi kicked loose a bit of a shitstorm a few days ago by posting an essay on Straight White Male Privilege. You should go over there and read the whole thing because Scalzi’s a great writer who makes cogent points, but the Cliff Notes version of it is that “Straight…
Author: Marko
hey, you! psst! need some colored plastic bricks?
We need an appropriate thug handle for this guy, who got busted for sticking his own bar codes on LEGO boxes and then fencing the discounted sets on eBay. The puzzling part is that he’s a VP with SAP in the Bay area. The article says that he sold thirty grand worth of LEGO sets…
the standing desk, one year later.
Last May, I started the big standing desk experiment to help me beat my by-then chronic sciatica into submission. I started out with a coffee table on top of my regular desk, and a month or so later, I liberated two standing desks from Borders at their Everything-Must-Go sale. That means I’ve been using a…
a good dog.
With the current construction at Castle Frostbite, a large part of the porch area is strewn with various bits of handyman detritus. On Thursday, our old dachshund matriarch Guinevere took advantage of an open door and went out there to explore. She came back in with a three-inch gash in her chest, inflicted by a…
housekeeping note.
To keep comment spam down, I’ve set the control panel to require comment approval for your first comment. Once you’ve left a comment and it has been approved, further ones don’t require approval. So if your comment doesn’t show up right away, have patience–I have to manually clear them.
tiny dinosaurs.
The girls are getting big. They’re now roaming outside of their coop, but they tend to stay very close. (For the chicken experts–we have five Barred Rock hens and five Ameraucanas.)
hello there. mind the moving boxes.
I’ve moved the blog over to its own domain on the server space we already rent. Hosting my own blog gives me a little bit more latitude with WordPress, and it means you won’t get served with ads at the bottom of each post. My old blog’s export file is too big for the WordPress…