Check out the cover art for LINES OF DEPARTURE: There’s also a new cover for the re-release of TERMS OF ENLISTMENT, but it doesn’t show on the Amazon page yet. You can see it in the search results when you look for “Terms of Enlistment” on Amazon, though.
Category: shameless self-promotion.
hey, I know that novel.
Check out the 2013 Goodreads Choice Awards, and look at the Science Fiction category. The little Space Kablooie novel is in the opening round for Best Books of 2013. Pretty cool!
measures of absolution.
Happy goddamn Monday, kids! There may or may not be a new novella of mine out on the Kindle. It may or may not be called “Measures of Absolution”. It may or may not be availabl…no. You know what? Forget that angle. This is private commerce, not the Obamacare website. It’s called “Measures of Absolution”….
from the desk of the ink-splasher.
I checked Amazon over the weekend, and it looks like Lines of Departure is available for pre-order in all formats (Kindle, paperback, and unabridged audio) for the January 28th release. (Terms of Enlistment will also be released as a new, “Director's Cut” edition at the same time and in the same formats.) I know that…
terms of enlistment, the paperback.
My publisher, 47North, is going to release a new edition of Terms of Enlistment at the same time they publish the sequel, Lines of Departure. It will get a new shiny cover to match the second book, and it will be available in dead tree format as well. The paperback version is available for pre-order…
in which i bloviate about self-publishing.
Bloomsbury UK has a Writer’s Digest-like Interwebs site called Writers & Artists. A few weeks ago, they asked me for an interview about my Great! Self-Publishing! Success!, and I agreed to share my experiences in return for a first-class ticket to the UK and a box of Aero Mint bars with all the chocolate removed….
meanwhile, over at kat’s place.
My friend Katrina does a recurring blog feature called Prime Writing, and the latest installment features some dorky dude who wrote a novel about spaceships and stuff: You may want to check it out. Said dorky dude talks a bit about his novel and how it came about.