That’s how the last week has been going for me. How was yours? Kid #1 put the Jeepito in the ditch as he was leaving for work. Not really his fault—the conditions were pretty bad, and the road was treacherous even for an experienced driver. But it definitely kicked off a chain of work-disrupting events…
Category: weather.
I’m totally trademarking “color kablooie”
October brings the golden days of autumn, and the last two days have been Chamber of Commerce tourism ad weather. We’re a little late for peak leaf season this year, but the first frosts just hit a few days ago, and now the leaves are in full Color Kablooie mode. This is my ideal weather–cool…
Life in Upper Cryogenica, winter storm edition
We just had another nor’easter up here in Cryogenica, and this one dumped the most snow we’ve gotten so far in a single storm this winter. Here’s a picture of the total snowfall level–the ground was bare before the start of the storm. For reference, the Renegade has 18-inch wheel rims : (A month into…
I know it’s kind of gauche to bitch about the winter in New England when one chose to move and live here voluntarily lo these many years ago, but this winter is bitchworthy without further qualification. We have never had as much snow as we’ve had this year, not even close. It has never been…
winter boots for the grand marnier.
We moved to Castle Frostbite in December of 2007. The Castle has a driveway that is dog-legged and at a 5-percent incline that increases to nine or ten percent at the very top of the driveway, in the least convenient spot possible. I’ve been driving Grand Caravans since before we moved up here, and those…
Spring is great, because the snow melts and it stays above freezing at night again. Spring is not so great because the snow melts and it stays above freezing at night again. This right here is our road at the moment: New Hampshire’s four seasons are Winter, Mud, Blackflies, and Preparing for Winter.
well, hello there, spring, you saucy minx.
The snow is finally MELTING. I cannot overstate how great that is. I thought I was never going to be warm again. I know it’s a little obnoxious when someone who voluntarily relocated to New England complains about New England winters, but this particular one was a cast-iron bitch. To illustrate: we usually buy six…
a snow-related math problem.
Marko’s garage roof is a flat surface of 75×25 feet. If there is a uniform snow layer of 2.5 feet thickness on the roof, a cubic foot of lightly compacted snow weighs 15 pounds, and Marko just removed all that snow with nothing but muscle power and a goddamn snow shovel, a.) How much snow…
my kingdom for a backup generator.
Spring has totally sprung, y’all. Yesterday, the thermometer at Castle Frostbite recorded 88 degrees. Unfortunately, we lost power in the short but intense thunderstorm front that moved through the area in the evening, so it was also 88 degrees under the roof where the grown-ups sleep. We were in the middle of cooking dinner when…
castle frostbite is IFR.
Wee bit foggy out today, eh wot? PEA. SOUP. 47 degrees after weeks of snow and biting cold will do that. I didn’t even see the school bus coming until it was about 30 yards away.