Earlier this month, I started work on Frontlines #8. If I stick to my schedule (and so far I am), the draft should be complete by the end of July. I can’t give you a precise publication date for a novel that isn’t complete and turned in yet, obviously. But if all goes as planned,…
Category: frontlines.
ORDERS OF BATTLE release day
Today is the day! After almost two years, there’s a new Frontlines novel out. ORDERS OF BATTLE is the seventh volume in the series and picks up a few years after the last book. Things have calmed down a bit for humanity after POINTS OF IMPACT, but the Lankies are still out there, and…
ORDERS OF BATTLE audiobook delay
Some people have noticed and commented on the fact that the audiobook of Orders of Battle now shows a delay for the release. The Kindle and print versions will still be out on December 8, but the Audible version is delayed until February 9th. There’s a good reason for the delay, and I wish Audible…
Paper trail
This row of paperbacks is my collected output for novels since 2013. That does not include the novel I just delivered, titled CITADEL, because that one obviously doesn’t exist yet in paper form. It also doesn’t represent my total output because I also managed to write four novellas and novelettes for Wild Cards (“Stripes” for…
Giveaway winners
The random number generator has spoken, and the winners are: rafael Derek Bryan Anderson Joe Allen Heather Jones Tobias Westphal Santeri Vidal Gridley Shane Spencer Emily Each of you will receive a signed copy of ORDERS OF BATTLE, shipped at my expense. If you find your name on the winners list, please check your…
Orders of Battle signed paperback giveaway
I received my author copies for ORDERS OF BATTLE yesterday, so it’s time to do what I usually do when I get a box of books: I give some of them away. It’s a cunning ploy to make me look nice and generous, when in reality I am just trying to keep my floors from…
Goodreads giveaway for Orders of Battle
There’s a Goodreads giveaway going on for 100 Kindle copies of Orders of Battle, the seventh novel in the Frontlines series. The giveaway will end on December 7, and the book will be released December 8, so you have 21 days if you want to put your name into the goblet and see if you…
It’s like getting a gold record
It took a little while, but the set is complete. That’s the commemorative shadow box I got from my publisher for selling over 100,000 copies of POINTS OF IMPACT. That means every single Frontlines novel has sold in excess of 100k. I’ll bask in the completeness of those stats as long as I can, but…
Frontlines #7 cover
That’s the cover for ORDERS OF BATTLE, seventh book in the Frontlines series. As with all Frontlines covers, it features spaceships…but as with all Frontlines covers, the art doesn’t necessarily correspond to any specific event in the book, so don’t try to divinate plot points or anything. What I can tell you about ORDERS OF…
Release date for Frontlines #7
ORDERS OF BATTLE, the seventh novel in the Frontlines series, will be released on December 8. There’s now a product page up on Amazon, where you can pre-order the book on Kindle, in paperback format, or as an Audible book: There’s no cover art yet as the book is still in production, but that will…