Paula Guran at Locus Magazine reviewed KNAVES OVER QUEENS, our first UK-centered Wild Cards mosaic novel, and had some nice things to say about it.
KNAVES OVER QUEENS came out in the UK last year already, and it will be available in the US in August of this year. (That’s due to some release date shuffling and release precedence by the publisher.) If you want to get your US-based hands on it earlier than August, I hear that Amazon UK will gladly ship books to the US.
I have a novella in that volume, called PROBATIONARY. It tells the story of the first mission of newly minted British ace and Silver Helix member, Sub-Lieutenant Rory Campbell, who gets to assist the British armed forces in their mission to reclaim the Falkland Islands from Argentina in 1982. He has a very utilitarian and not-so-flashy talent–he can control directed EMP blasts. That makes him useful as a military asset, even if it won’t get him on the cover of SEXY ACES magazine.
Other novellas in the book were written by Emma Newman, Charlie Stross, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Caroline Spector, Paul Cornell, Peadar Ó Guilín, Mark Lawrence, Peter Newman, and Melinda Snodgrass. (The volume was edited by George R.R. Martin and Melinda Snodgrass.)
It’s a fun book that’s a little off the beaten path for Wild Cards because it’s not US-centric. (On a related note, I had to take out one instance of a character saying “lock and load” because the editor at Harper Collins UK said it was an Americanism. I’ve done some research since then, and it turns out that the phrase originated with the British Army in the days of the flintlock rifle, so I WAS RIGHT AFTER ALL.)
Anyway, PROBATIONARY is a war story, and I tend to be pretty okay at writing those, so I think it turned out quite well. If you’re interested, pick up a copy of KNAVES OVER QUEENS from a UK bookseller online, or pre-order the US edition.