With all the pre-holiday busywork around the house, I totally forgot that this month is our six-year anniversary as the liege lords here at Castle Frostbite. We came up here in December of 2007, in the middle of the first big snow storm of the season. I got the moving truck stuck at the bottom of the driveway, where it remained for two days. Good times!
2013 was a really good year, easily the best we’ve had since we moved to New Hampshire. We went to Germany in February for a long overdue visit with the family. And then I put the little Space Kablooie novel out in March, and everything else just kind of snowballed from there. A month later, I got a literary agent (the most excellent Evan Gregory at the Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency), and a few weeks after that I signed a two-book contract with 47North. I got to see a bunch of my VPXII and other writer friends again at Readercon in July, and the rest of the year was pretty packed with edits and edits and more edits for the two books for 47North. As 2013 careens to a close, I’m busier than ever when it comes to writing, which is awesome.
Like I said on Twitter the other day—I don’t really have anything else left to wish for this year. For 2014, I hope that LINES OF DEPARTURE (out on January 28) does as well as TERMS OF ENLISTMENT, and that I manage to finish the draft of the third novel (called ANGLES OF ATTACK) before the end of spring. And after that? With my schedule free for writing pretty much full-time now, two novels a year sound entirely manageable.
So yeah—2013 kicked ass. I’ll always remember it fondly. Lucky Thirteen, indeed.
Here’s someone who had his dachshund branded!
All the best to you and your family and merry 2014. I hope it will prove to be even better year than the last professionally. Judging from your increasing gradient in output and quality of writing I have no doubt of it. I personally enjoyed your last 3 forays into scifi immensely (more than any cohesive series in a long time), can’t wait for the next book. I’m a fellow Granite Stater and I can identify with your other posts as well. Keep up the good work!
The frequency at which you and other awesome tech sci-fi writers are producing is astounding for someone used to 12-18 mo. intervals, or even the dreaded George R.R. Martin/Steven King Dark Tower-series 5-10 yr interval.
Srsly, if you can punch out two novels in the same calendar year at the same level of quality your first book came with out of the gate, I’m going to go all fanboy, and I’m waaay too old to go all fanboy.
Mark my words: you’ll be announcing a movie deal by the end of 2014. SHit you not.
That’s what I said, too.
To put it as bluntly as possible: Any CGI/SFX type reading these books probably got all tingly in their naughty places.
I don’t know nothin’ bout those fields but I just got re-tingly thinking about it all!
Your writing is good, but yer maths are bad.
Hi Marko, I’ve ordered one of your books in dead tree format and as the others become available i wll order them.
Many thanks for being such an interesting writer, and knowledgeable person.
Yeah, I’m even praying that you receive many blessings!
Got a catchy name for the trilogy yet? See, I got this nifty ebook management software with all sorts of fields what need fillin’ out…
I wanted to call it the Hunger Space trilogy, but my editor thought we might get a wee bit of legal flak for that one. I’m fairly sure we settled for calling it the Frontlines series.
I’ve been referring to it as the Noun-Of-Verb series. 😉